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La Ultima Bodega En Soho by Neal Santos

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"We are all photographers as we live with phones in hand, what seems like every moment. I am no different. Nokia, blackberry, and numerous iPhones were used to capture these photos. That they survived till now amazes me, I don't collect shit, not even Jpgs. They were taken in the moment, which was as far as that was supposed to go.

The photos in this book are of a time, a place, a community now gone. There was no premeditation. The moments captured are unintentional and devoid of posturing. I gave what moment to me, and I accepted it.

Time creeps on, and we lose our friends and loved ones. One day, it will be my turn. The reason for this book is simple: preserving a part of NYC culture (NOT JUST DOWNTOWN) and paying homage to this community for embracing me with open arms and showing me love. These are my people, and this is my art; please enjoy."

Neal Santos

We are all photographers.
Because I always have my smartphone in my hand at all times.
That's exactly what I feel.
These photos were taken using a Nokia, a Blackberry and various iPhones.
I'm not at all a collector's type, and I don't particularly save or hoard photos, so it's a miracle that photos like this still remain today.
It's a photograph that captured that moment, but if I hadn't taken the photo in the first place, the event would have ended there.

The photographs in this book are records of a time, a place, and a community that is now lost. They were taken without any planning.
The photo was taken without any thought given to the intention or posing, it was just a snap.
I just accepted what was given to me at the time and captured it on camera.

Over time, we lose friends and loved ones.
Someday it'll be my turn.
The reason for writing this book is simple.
We wanted to preserve an aspect of NYC culture that goes beyond just downtown.
And I wanted to pay homage to the community here that has embraced me so lovingly and for all that I am.
What you see here is my friends and my art.
Please enjoy.

Neal Santos

8 x 10 inch foil stamped leather cover with glossy full-photo slipcase 96 pages 157 gsm art paper


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